Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Elena on deciding to transition.

Elena is a young woman who channeled with us in the afternoon that she wasn't going to let the swine flu be her means of exit from this plane and then passed that night.

She gives us some insight on that: "... You can in a moment, in a heartbeat, connect with another and have the idea that there is great intention to remain in human form. While my very essence knew that it felt close, that it felt done, that it felt over, the other parts of me said, "No, no, hold on Elena. There is something here for you to live for. Don't say in this moment that you are gone." These parts of you are not warring by any means. It's not as if they are clamoring for supremacy. It's just that they are all parts of you and you connect in with all the parts and different parts have a different feel and a different expression. So when it comes to the idea of transition, when you are making your move to leave the physicality forever, you can not be awake and alert entirely to whether your physicality will comply and will say in that moment, "No, we can do it. Let's move a little longer on this road." I was waiting for it all to come together, for it all to be true in terms of the pieces falling into the puzzle. I was waiting for all of that. Have we all come together, all the parts of me? Are we in unison? Are we ready to make the journey? And it did so in a heartbeat, in a flash - in that moment it all came together.So I can honestly say that the beauty of the experience cannot be compared to anything you know on the earth. When you take these different parts and you allow them to do their dance and to finally make what is unison, what is whole, what is wondrously rhythmic, you are not planning, you are not sure. It just is there. In that moment it all came together for me. In that moment, like a flash, I was out of the body forever. I do not lose or regret the wonderment of Elena. I just know that I am now much more than that and completely content."

Monday, August 17, 2009

Parent-Child Reunion

Dear Readers and Welcome,

If you have found this blog, is it not by accident. Perhaps it is you who is searching for something to help you in your sorrow and grief--or someone very close to you who is is trying to recover, understand and put meaning to "why" regarding the death of their child. Please read about a very compassionate gifted woman and her ability to reconnect parents with their child who is now in heaven or has transitioned to "the Otherside of the veil." Below, is an announcement of a very special Parent-Child Reunion--a retreat to help parents with the loss of their child.


Sally Baldwin and the Dying To Live Again Foundation extend a heartfelt welcome to parents and our supporters. We are dedicated to helping bereaved parents reconnect with the soul of their child who has crossed-over to the spirit realm. We arrange 'Reunions' based in faith, love, energetic healing, and mediumship. In this light, we announce our inaugural retreat to support parents in their journey to find an alternative means to communicate with their child. The Parent-Child Reunion is scheduled for October, 2009 in beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho. Below, please read more and learn about the art of connecting with the Otherside and its healing impact on grief and sorrow.

On behalf of all parents, respectfully,

Sally Baldwin

What? Communicating with Your Child's Soul . . .

Helping Parents with the Loss of a Child

Scope of the Problem: Children are not supposed to die! Sadly, over 50,000 families are devastated by this unfortunate reality each year in the United States. The loss of a child leaves parents in a state of profound bereavement. Parental mourning is the most intense grief known and these families are constantly plagued by pain and suffering. This tragedy can paralyze their lives for years to come.

Goal: To provide mothers who have lost a young child an opportunity to heal more deeply by connecting with the spirit of their loved-one.

Sponsor: The Dying to Live Again Foundation (Public Charity 501-C-3).

Participants: Mothers will be selected based primarily on their capacity to embrace the notion that those who have expired physically continue to exist in another realm and it is possible to connect with distinct spirits. These mothers must possess a strong motivation to communicate with their child through spirit channeling. The application process is now under way. Ten or fewer mothers will be chosen to partake in the workshop so as to keep the activities personalized and deep. Participants will receive financial support associated with the retreat.

Program: The retreat will be conducted in Sun Valley, Idaho at a local hotel and conference center. The workshop program will be scheduled during mid October 2009 and conducted over a 3.5-day period. Experiences will include personal counseling on grief and loss issues, seminars in stress management, energy work, and spiritual channeling with the soul of their child. Special emphasis will be placed on the phenomena of ‘yearning’ and ‘acceptance’.

Faculty: Sally Baldwin and Steve Baldwin will be the primary educators and counselors. Sally and Steve each earned a master’s degree in the field of healthcare and have extensive experience as healing arts professionals. Debbie Grossman and Nancy LeMaster will function as facilitators during the program to provide the mothers with guidance and comfort as needed. Debbie and Nancy are highly involved with the DTLA Foundation and have been comprehensively trained in grief and loss education. Channeling with the Otherside is to be conducted by Sally Baldwin.

For more information: Please see www.parentchildreunion.com