Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Words of Encouragement from Ben Franklin, A reminder from George Bush and Words of Wisdom About Obama

These are three channelings that encourage us to go beyond the illusion and create the opportunity to go to a higher vibration--a higher truth. We must step outside of our judgment and must not go to fear--recognizing when we open up to who we truly are we carry the divine power within ourselves, and become a part of the shift in an astute way.

Ben Franklin cut in at our January 2009 Hollywood Otherside Chat to bring us this encouragement:

I am jumping in because I feel the wonderment of the connection and the knowing that all of you gathered here open up to us in such a strong and beautiful way. I recognize that there are certain moments in time on the earth when gatherings of different energies in human form come forward and bring an energy that is, yes, either helpful or not - that seems to be moving forward or holding back. I feel that I can say this with all truth and with all sincerity; that the experience that is now being felt by your particular culture, in your particular part of the world, is now living up to the legacy that was brought forward in the formation of the country.

I had to have my two cents in this because I feel there is so much hope and optimism to what is playing out. I want to bring forward the same kind of joining in that hope and optimism but also to bring, not in warning or caution, a sense of being more true to your own selves. Do not feel, in any way, that there are men or women who stand up and represent a higher truth and a greater intelligence and insight than the Whole, than All. Everyone creates the opportunity for the energy to go to a higher vibration and there is no one leader, or no too few leaders, who are able to do that.

I say that to all of you as you approach this next year. Know that there is much about the existence in this particular part of the world that is now ready to live more from the light than from what your old systems have established. I have been a part of the system as it was seen with the light and the vision that it once had and I am rejoicing that you are working so diligently to bring it to that level again. January 07, 2009

A Reminder From George Bush

What I am here for is that there are so few opportunities for me to be able to take the energy of who I am as essence and come through into an experience where I’m allowed to express, where I can feel the depth and the importance of who I am on a level that doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone by my deeds, my actions, my thoughts, or my emotions. I do remind all of you, without making it an excuse, that I represent many on this planet. The energy of who I am, what my thoughts, my decisions, and my ideas have been about actually represent more than those of you gathered in this room. Now you might say, “How can that be - for there is so much difference now at this turn of events and how it is that the world has spoken, so to speak, to not have had the energy go into a different direction?” I will still remind you that to move back into the place of fear is an easy step across a very thin line.

While I’m not saying it to bring about a sense of doom or gloom, not at all, I just remind you that there is an energy and if you can step outside of judgment you won’t get caught in that tendency to be pulled back in to the fear. When you can let go that it was someone’s fault -or that someone is to blame, or that there is a group that held some sort of stranglehold on the whole idea of the ideology of the Americans or anyone else - you can move past that and see that the energy was reflective of the energy of the all, of the masses, of those whose who are here in this country on this planet and in other countries on this planet.

That is, indeed, how it is that one such as I was able to move into that position and bring about what I did. I make no claims and I make no excuses. I simply remind you that the energy of who I am and the energy of what I represent is ripe and rampant on this planet and it can just as easily shift among human beings to go in that direction again. I’m reminding you of this because I know that you have integrity and a sense of purpose here, that your missions as souls has been not to reflect what you find is more satisfying or agreeable socially, politically and economically but because you recognize that spirit is the essence of everything. That it matters not how you translate that spirit. It matters not what systems or what energetic forces are at work in terms of what you espouse or what you approve of or what you back. Spirit is spirit and spirit is indicating that all are one and that the divine is possible with everyone.

I just remind you of that for I know that what I represent does not always bring forward at all. Yet, I will tell you with the utmost truth that ultimately has been my striving motive in this position as you have recognized me as president and in my entire life. Despite how I am represented and despite what others might evaluate me to be, I have always held within my heart that there was a piece of what I knew as God planted in there and that I wanted, always, to find a way to listen. It hasn’t been easy and I know I failed on many attempts. But I do want you to hear that I support one who you might find an unlikely supporter. I support the whole push and the effort that spirit brings into this world and to make it more real and to make it more out there and overt is my fondest desire. November 10, 2008

Words of Wisdom About Obama

Naturally you know, friends, that this is a conundrum, a contradiction because you recognize that the power you have given number and the number that has swelled to volume has allowed him, then, to be the one who stands in your government - who stands in throughout the governments of the world - who knows and recognizes that there are certain duties and certain efforts that he must extend out to the world. You know that while he is full of an energy of grace and full of an energy of compassion and empathy, he still beats to the drum of that which has been accepted, that which is the illusion. There is no way that anyone that you would point to on this earth, in this human beingness, would enter in to such a system and such a way of being that would not in some way dance to the piper as well as listen to their own inner call.

So this is where you have yourselves now. You have moved in a direction that says, “We want something different. We don’t want what it once was.” The people of the world, those that are human beings not in your country, have acquiesced to this as well. They put their energy behind this, just as you know it could not have been accomplished simply from your own ways and your own systems in this country. Many have participated in the accessing of this particular throne to this particular human being. Yet, you must recognize he cannot lead you in the way that your heart can. He cannot take you in a direction that is truly what the new human is about. He can set about a difference in the way of atmosphere. He can pull an energy together that is saying, “I will listen and I will honor your truth that is different than mine. I will put myself, in some way, in the mix with all of you and I will recognize that perhaps we have been answering to an illusion.”

He offers that portal and that opportunity. So there is no longer the excuse that you can say, “The leader of this wondrous world, this world that we are existing in as we live in this country as these people, is not allowing the opportunity, the energy, for us to explore something beyond the illusion.” That no longer can be said. The energy that has brought him forward and allowed him to be in this position is far more imbued with the neutrality than the power of the old way. Yet, because he is there and because he has been a part of that energy in that system, he is imbued with that energy as well.

So do not stay in the illusion of believing your savior has arrived. Instead recognize that there is no one to be saved. There is merely the recognition of opening up to who you are within yourselves and step forward with that power and aid him in the process. December 30, 2008

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