Monday, October 12, 2009

Spiritual Nature of Death is focus of Parent-Child Reunion in Sun Valley

Sally Baldwin, Medium and co-founder of The Dying to Live Again Foundation, embarks in perhaps the truest purpose and mission of the foundation: educating humankind about the spiritual nature of death and dying and in the existence of an afterlife. The next phase of the Foundation’s 10 year history is moving into a remarkable dynamic new project: A Parent-Child Reunion. This project is the first ever of its kind, and certainly a giant step in understanding the nature of death.
The Reunion’s focus is to reconnect seven Mothers selected from around the United States with their children who have transitioned. The Retreat will be held in Sun Valley Idaho, home of the Sawtooth mountains and Big Wood River Campground, a favorite camping expedition of my parents growing up, I might add! The serene energy of the mountains and the beauty of the resort make it an ideal place to dive deep into the issues surrounding grief, loss, spiritual counseling and finally acceptance and healing. It is the Foundation's belief that death is a natural part of life and should be looked at as a joyous return to our natural, spirit self and not as an end of our existence to be feared.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Words of Encouragement from Ben Franklin, A reminder from George Bush and Words of Wisdom About Obama

These are three channelings that encourage us to go beyond the illusion and create the opportunity to go to a higher vibration--a higher truth. We must step outside of our judgment and must not go to fear--recognizing when we open up to who we truly are we carry the divine power within ourselves, and become a part of the shift in an astute way.

Ben Franklin cut in at our January 2009 Hollywood Otherside Chat to bring us this encouragement:

I am jumping in because I feel the wonderment of the connection and the knowing that all of you gathered here open up to us in such a strong and beautiful way. I recognize that there are certain moments in time on the earth when gatherings of different energies in human form come forward and bring an energy that is, yes, either helpful or not - that seems to be moving forward or holding back. I feel that I can say this with all truth and with all sincerity; that the experience that is now being felt by your particular culture, in your particular part of the world, is now living up to the legacy that was brought forward in the formation of the country.

I had to have my two cents in this because I feel there is so much hope and optimism to what is playing out. I want to bring forward the same kind of joining in that hope and optimism but also to bring, not in warning or caution, a sense of being more true to your own selves. Do not feel, in any way, that there are men or women who stand up and represent a higher truth and a greater intelligence and insight than the Whole, than All. Everyone creates the opportunity for the energy to go to a higher vibration and there is no one leader, or no too few leaders, who are able to do that.

I say that to all of you as you approach this next year. Know that there is much about the existence in this particular part of the world that is now ready to live more from the light than from what your old systems have established. I have been a part of the system as it was seen with the light and the vision that it once had and I am rejoicing that you are working so diligently to bring it to that level again. January 07, 2009

A Reminder From George Bush

What I am here for is that there are so few opportunities for me to be able to take the energy of who I am as essence and come through into an experience where I’m allowed to express, where I can feel the depth and the importance of who I am on a level that doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone by my deeds, my actions, my thoughts, or my emotions. I do remind all of you, without making it an excuse, that I represent many on this planet. The energy of who I am, what my thoughts, my decisions, and my ideas have been about actually represent more than those of you gathered in this room. Now you might say, “How can that be - for there is so much difference now at this turn of events and how it is that the world has spoken, so to speak, to not have had the energy go into a different direction?” I will still remind you that to move back into the place of fear is an easy step across a very thin line.

While I’m not saying it to bring about a sense of doom or gloom, not at all, I just remind you that there is an energy and if you can step outside of judgment you won’t get caught in that tendency to be pulled back in to the fear. When you can let go that it was someone’s fault -or that someone is to blame, or that there is a group that held some sort of stranglehold on the whole idea of the ideology of the Americans or anyone else - you can move past that and see that the energy was reflective of the energy of the all, of the masses, of those whose who are here in this country on this planet and in other countries on this planet.

That is, indeed, how it is that one such as I was able to move into that position and bring about what I did. I make no claims and I make no excuses. I simply remind you that the energy of who I am and the energy of what I represent is ripe and rampant on this planet and it can just as easily shift among human beings to go in that direction again. I’m reminding you of this because I know that you have integrity and a sense of purpose here, that your missions as souls has been not to reflect what you find is more satisfying or agreeable socially, politically and economically but because you recognize that spirit is the essence of everything. That it matters not how you translate that spirit. It matters not what systems or what energetic forces are at work in terms of what you espouse or what you approve of or what you back. Spirit is spirit and spirit is indicating that all are one and that the divine is possible with everyone.

I just remind you of that for I know that what I represent does not always bring forward at all. Yet, I will tell you with the utmost truth that ultimately has been my striving motive in this position as you have recognized me as president and in my entire life. Despite how I am represented and despite what others might evaluate me to be, I have always held within my heart that there was a piece of what I knew as God planted in there and that I wanted, always, to find a way to listen. It hasn’t been easy and I know I failed on many attempts. But I do want you to hear that I support one who you might find an unlikely supporter. I support the whole push and the effort that spirit brings into this world and to make it more real and to make it more out there and overt is my fondest desire. November 10, 2008

Words of Wisdom About Obama

Naturally you know, friends, that this is a conundrum, a contradiction because you recognize that the power you have given number and the number that has swelled to volume has allowed him, then, to be the one who stands in your government - who stands in throughout the governments of the world - who knows and recognizes that there are certain duties and certain efforts that he must extend out to the world. You know that while he is full of an energy of grace and full of an energy of compassion and empathy, he still beats to the drum of that which has been accepted, that which is the illusion. There is no way that anyone that you would point to on this earth, in this human beingness, would enter in to such a system and such a way of being that would not in some way dance to the piper as well as listen to their own inner call.

So this is where you have yourselves now. You have moved in a direction that says, “We want something different. We don’t want what it once was.” The people of the world, those that are human beings not in your country, have acquiesced to this as well. They put their energy behind this, just as you know it could not have been accomplished simply from your own ways and your own systems in this country. Many have participated in the accessing of this particular throne to this particular human being. Yet, you must recognize he cannot lead you in the way that your heart can. He cannot take you in a direction that is truly what the new human is about. He can set about a difference in the way of atmosphere. He can pull an energy together that is saying, “I will listen and I will honor your truth that is different than mine. I will put myself, in some way, in the mix with all of you and I will recognize that perhaps we have been answering to an illusion.”

He offers that portal and that opportunity. So there is no longer the excuse that you can say, “The leader of this wondrous world, this world that we are existing in as we live in this country as these people, is not allowing the opportunity, the energy, for us to explore something beyond the illusion.” That no longer can be said. The energy that has brought him forward and allowed him to be in this position is far more imbued with the neutrality than the power of the old way. Yet, because he is there and because he has been a part of that energy in that system, he is imbued with that energy as well.

So do not stay in the illusion of believing your savior has arrived. Instead recognize that there is no one to be saved. There is merely the recognition of opening up to who you are within yourselves and step forward with that power and aid him in the process. December 30, 2008

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Difficult Relationships

The following is the best channeling we've had on handling difficult relationships. While the following channeling is for parents of an adult son who they can't seem to find any common ground with, it certainly can apply to any kind of relationship that we have. We can all make our lives more peaceful by implementing the following.

Guides about John Jr

Without doubt you know and feel that what you want, in all ways in life, is to bring compassion towards your fellow humans, towards those who live here on this earth as you do; finding your way, looking for your multi-dimensional status knowing that there is much more to who you are than meets the eye. Just as you and Sally are discussing, not all beings in human form find that as something attainable, something they can accomplish and bring forward. So you ask yourself: then what is my role? Do I fall to their level and accept their kind of attitude, energy and behavior? Well of course not. You recognize what it is that you hold in terms of your truth and authenticity and then you deal with them accordingly but not with the idea that they must, somehow, jump to your command and act based on your wishes. Of course John Jr. is going to proceed through life with the inclinations, the proclivities, and the issues that he is dealing with. Yes, one of them is feeling in some way that he must get the better of his father and be able to receive what he feels is justified and deserved in this life. Yet that does not require nor mean that you or John dance to the dance that he is putting out there.

Knowing that then, you must continually take the path that is looking to the horizon that sees John Jr. as someone more than just the sum of his parts as he is behaving on this earth. You have the realization of knowing there is something else within him that he has, that he carries, that he has not yet discovered on the path here on this earth. You acknowledge and have faith in that. You focus there and you help John focus there. Yes, you deal with what you must in terms of whatever John Jr. brings in the material, physical world forward but you do so with a constant recognition and overview that he is a soul who struggles with the kind of energy and the kind of purpose that you and John live by. He is as unable to move in that direction as you are to live like he does. So you must remember that. You must hold yourselves accountable to who you are and what you know about life.

Just as you are discussing here this moment, you recognize and can feel that John Jr. is lost. In so many different ways he knows not how to proceed. He feels the world beckoning and the world setting up expectations that he wants to answer to, that he knows is in rhythm with his own energy and then he steps into it feeling inept and unable to. This frustrates him. It puts him into a state of resignation. He resigns himself that he doesn’t have the stuff to do what it is he wants to do, what his father has done. So he finds all other means, all other ways, all other methods to get what it is he so desperately wants.

Of course you are going to see desperation in his behavior and his actions. Of course you are going to recognize that it comes from his feeling frustrated, his feeling that he can or should be in sync with what the outer world is telling him and yet he continually bumps against it and finds that he’s not. So what does one do in that case? You start stretching desperately out, projecting on to others in your life what it is that is wrong with them or where it is their weak spots are so that you can pounce there and see if perhaps that is the avenue, that’s the way, to get what you want. That’s what he is doing now, nothing more. He is pushing himself to the limit, pouncing on John, his father, looking for a way to see where that weakness might open a porthole for him.

Recognize him for who he is. Know what it is he is doing. Accept that that is the way, the only way he knows how to turn but that you know a different way. You hold him to another energy. You will continually recognize that there is a soulful being here, still walking the earth learning and trying so hard to be what he wants to be here as John Jr. Just accept that this is his part, this is his path, and then deal with what you can that is healthier and above board and what you can’t, by no means, deal with it all.

You have recognized that it is best with John Jr., and John has as well, to keep the distance, to not feel the closeness or to invite some sort of camaraderie. You know that John Jr. is not capable at this point of being in the energy with you and knowing that that energy is something sustaining and helpful. Instead it brings a rub. It brings a sense of being off and jagged. So the honorable, the most astute move, is to keep yourself away from him and to send as much as you can the acknowledgment of who he is as a soulful being.

Let him know, and let John know, that you are there as a partner not to see the flaws and the failings of who John is as a person. That is well documented and you don’t need to focus or speak of that. Just know that there is something else inside of him that is so clamoring to come out and he cannot find a way for it to. Invite him in on that level of energy, as that soulful being, and put your focus there and helping John do the same. Then all that is happening in the physical will go to exactly where it is meant to. It is not here to cause upset. It is a moment of truth where John must face who his son is and accept him and love him all the same.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Patricia on Alzheimer's

Patricia is a 90 year old woman who had died a few months earlier after having Alzheimer's for 20 years. She is speaking to her daughter. . .

"...I actually had the most unusual of lives and I wanted to speak to you about that so you would recognize that what happened to me in terms of the illness is not some misfortune or random act that was a tragic kind of turn. I want you to get that there was something about me that was very agreeable to that. I know that sounds strange to you. When you would have such an ability to live life more vibrantly and more in touch with things, why would you choose to be in such a state of dysfunction? I know that if I were looking at me the same way you are I would ask the same thing. Why would anybody get any value whatsoever out of living through what I did these last 20 years before I left? So I'm going to give you a different view - not only so you'll hear it and know it is true but so you can reach out and help others when the time comes...""You ask, "Mom, why is it you would want such an experience?" and I'm going to tell you. First of all, you have so many lives to live, honey. I can't tell you how much excitement there is with each new one you step in to. That's why you don't care how long you live. You don't really care at the soul level what's going on in your life. You just know: oh boy! I get to go to the earth and have an experience of being human. It's such a beautiful thing that you get excited about it. You love it. You jump up and down... So when we do we are not set up with a list that says, "I don't want any diseases that are bad. I don't want to have trouble. I don't want to fall into some sort of disarray with other people and on and on." We don't say that as souls. We say clearly, "Bring it on. Let's have the experience. Let's see what it is going to be about in this life." I had some beautiful experiences. I had all of you who I love so dearly. I had so much that was full and rich in my life that when I reached the age I did when the whole condition, or the illness as we call it, set in I wasn't all thrown out of whack. I didn't just say, "Oh no, what doom." "I found myself reaching out, especially when it got to that place where I didn't know anyone and the memory was so gone. It was in exactly those moments that I was travelling, my dear. I was out there in so many different dimensions, so many different fields of experiences, that there aren't even words that I could come back into my body and explain to you. I couldn't sit there and tell to you - this is where I was, this is what happened, this was unbelievable because there are no words. The travelling was amazing and, yes, it was something that was beneficial to me. I loved being able to then enter back into the flesh and blood of the body. You might ask, "Well, why? If you couldn't do anything, you couldn't remember anything, you couldn't interact in a functional way like you used to, what good was it to travel in all those dimensions and then come right back into a flesh and blood that wasn't doing anything?" Let me tell you that sometimes there are parts of your life that you live on the earth where your intention is not to do anything. Really and truly. Sometimes you are just fine with a turn of events that says, "You can stop thinking. You can stop moving. You can stop making anything have to happen according to the rules that you've been living by." So there was great value in me just laying there. I want you to see this because I want you to let go of this part of me, this part of my life - the part of your mother who existed in such a way that seemed so tragic and do difficult and depressing. I want you to see me differently. To realize that there was great value in the learning that I was having and there was a great sense of peace at being able to end up back in that body." "...I want you to know and see the different part that I was living than you could possibly understand when you would observe me. I want you to begin to absorb this into your understanding of why certain souls choose such a condition as Alzheimer's. I will also tell you that it will never be cured. It is not a condition that can be cured like a disease that has been conquered by our human interest. This is a condition of life that many souls seek, particularly when they get near the end of their lives, and it is a viable way to be. So it will not go away." I just want her to know that I miss her. I hadn't seen her for so long. I turned off to her when she was in that condition. I didn't even go visit because what was the point. I want to make sure she didn't take that personally.Oh yes, that's a whole other reason I wanted to talk to you too, dear. That whole guilt thing - it's so overrated. Just stop it, will you? There's nothing personal at all that I took or that anybody takes in that condition." "So don't, for one minute, think that just because you show up physically, or you don't, that there is something good or bad about that. There really isn't. When you get to the condition that I was in you are just as happy to have everyone go about the business of their life and just send the hellos to you. I could feel that. Every time you prayed or had a moment where you sent some thinking to me I felt it immensely - right to my heart - and I sent the love right back. That's what happens, you know, and that's why I'm so excited you are letting me through to say this."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Imagination and Illusion

What is the difference between imagination and illusion?

What is so important, of course, dear ones, is that you require some sort of direction and tools to help you blast out of what these old ways and tired patterns are all about. This is precisely one of those.

Imagination is the most wondrous catapulting tool that you have in your human condition. Yet you do not utilize it nearly enough. Imagination is about taking who you are and living in a particular moment going outside of whatever is physically given to you, whatever is so body, mind, and ego factually oriented and saying, "I prefer to go to a different, more creative visualization of this." Of course, most of you would say, "That's a useless occupation. You have to deal with the reality of what the physical is right before you. What possible good can imagination do you when you are dealing with this?"

We would say clearly that imagination and the creative process that gets you there is the language of your spirit, of your soul, and it is what leads you to the new pattern and pulls you out of the old. Your ability to visualize what could be different in a moment has the power of making it different. Yet most of you don't believe that. You stop at the third dimensional kind of thinking that says, "A + B = C and that's what you have on the plate now, so deal with it."

Of course that is not so. You can create X, Y and Z doing a dance and it is every bit as real and wondrous as whatever you see in front of you that you are declaring is the only reality. This is why it is so important to recognize that visualizing and imagining takes you out of the old and propels you in to what you've always had available for you here but yet you haven't accepted that or known it.

So you must recognize now, dear ones, that you have a tool that is immense. Instead of taking that tool away from your young ones as they grow and become more adult you want to nurture it and actually encourage them to stay more in the imaginative. It does not matter if they have done so well in your academics at school, whether they achieve a job you consider successful and wondrous, whether they are moving along in higher education that pleases your ego and your mind to be able to say, "Look how successful this one of mine is." It matters not. You have heard this over and over again and yet you still fall into it - that if they are going to succeed, if they or I am going to make it in this world, we must play the game of achieving in the way everyone around us says. Well that, dear ones, does not allow for imagination does it? That doesn't take you into the visualizing. That doesn't take you into that projecting what it could be which is what your Mayan friends did all those years ago.

The recognition of who you are does not stop at the doorway of fact. It does not stop at the doorway of conditions in this third dimension. Who you are propels you out beyond the boundaries and the barriers of what that kind of thinking is about and takes you to the place we speak of tonight. Visualizing and imaging takes you into the world of your divine nature and allows you to see it as reality in this plane as a human.

When you are in illusion you cannot see. You cannot know, you cannot visualize, you cannot feel or imagine what the possibilities are. You are living so from what you fear, so from what you worry about, that you keep up that illusion and then say, "This is the reality so we have to stay focused there." Think about this, dear ones. It is the moment of truth for all of you when you can recognize; I'll choose visualization and imagination over fact in this moment. When you do, you will find you've stepped in to the divine nature and you'll realize it feels unbelievable. You will realize it is possible to know who you are as a divine being while existing in this most dense, physical plane. It is what you want, now go for it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Young mother who died of cancer: I am here. I am around.

Melissa on the wall of grief

Melissa is a young old mother who died of cancer

I know not how to proceed with this particular moment for I feel as if I’m expected to say something profound. I don’t really feel I have much profound to say and yet I experience the love and the affection you feel for me, Jennifer, and it has given me this platform and this way to move forward.

What I sense and what I’m realizing now is that as I made the journey the idea of what I was in the Melissa life and what I am now is something so removed from what I believed and what I sensed when I was there as Melissa. This is hard to reconcile and it is, in part, why I feel like I don’t have so much to say. I don’t really know the context of bringing who I am now and what I know in to what it is to be Melissa. I recognize it was wondrous to be there and to be able to bring forward the souls onto this earth that I participated with was a wondrous gift. I can’t emphasize that enough. Yet I can’t go to where everyone is thinking of me - the energy that they are putting out that it was too soon. What a shame. These children will not know their mother. All of that seems absurd to me. I don’t know another way to put it. It seems absurd. How could they not know me? I am there. I am around. They will carry in their hearts who I was for them in the flesh. They will recognize me soon enough and be totally aware, totally grateful for who we all are together.

I cannot get into the rhythm of what is left in my wake. I cannot find the bridge to those who are suffering so that I have gone. I find that my whole idea of being me is perfectly wonderful. It is everything that I would want it to be. Yet, in this moment, I can’t share it with one soul who exists in the flesh – not one will fully celebrate with me for there are those tendrils of sorrow and grief that hold me back. I want so to be able to sense and feel and relate who I am so that others can find the joy, release the sorrow, and say, “Ah, she is well. She is wondrous. She is fine.” Yet, of course, the idea of what I left or what it was meant to be me in that identity stays and lingers so strong and with such intensity that is where everyone focuses. That’s what everything is all about.

Now I know that so many recognize that the battle was one that was hard and long and arduous and that I made choices along the way that probably made it longer and harder and more arduous than it needed to be. I recognize that and I know, too, that there is relief that comes at the end of such an illness. But it is not enough to forestall or replace the grief and the sorrow and the sense that I should still be there. Well how can I come forward as I really am when I don’t know how to get through to those who think I should really be me, the Melissa in that body?

That’s the message you can give for me, Jennifer. While many around me are not prepared to hear it the idea that there is someone who is Melissa - who hangs and hovers and brings the energy of light and love but cannot find her way into the hearts of those who most need her and want her - is the message I bring. That’s the message I bring to all of you. Keep yourselves aware of how much you hold off what is best and highest in grace for you. Recognize that someone leaving is not someone who is leaving. They are simply not in the form and not in the way that you once knew. This is no news. This is no wisdom. I said this was not profound. It simply is the way it is and me being able to bring it here in this forum, in this moment, perhaps has shed light for others to take to heart and bring to those they love here on this earth.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Elena on deciding to transition.

Elena is a young woman who channeled with us in the afternoon that she wasn't going to let the swine flu be her means of exit from this plane and then passed that night.

She gives us some insight on that: "... You can in a moment, in a heartbeat, connect with another and have the idea that there is great intention to remain in human form. While my very essence knew that it felt close, that it felt done, that it felt over, the other parts of me said, "No, no, hold on Elena. There is something here for you to live for. Don't say in this moment that you are gone." These parts of you are not warring by any means. It's not as if they are clamoring for supremacy. It's just that they are all parts of you and you connect in with all the parts and different parts have a different feel and a different expression. So when it comes to the idea of transition, when you are making your move to leave the physicality forever, you can not be awake and alert entirely to whether your physicality will comply and will say in that moment, "No, we can do it. Let's move a little longer on this road." I was waiting for it all to come together, for it all to be true in terms of the pieces falling into the puzzle. I was waiting for all of that. Have we all come together, all the parts of me? Are we in unison? Are we ready to make the journey? And it did so in a heartbeat, in a flash - in that moment it all came together.So I can honestly say that the beauty of the experience cannot be compared to anything you know on the earth. When you take these different parts and you allow them to do their dance and to finally make what is unison, what is whole, what is wondrously rhythmic, you are not planning, you are not sure. It just is there. In that moment it all came together for me. In that moment, like a flash, I was out of the body forever. I do not lose or regret the wonderment of Elena. I just know that I am now much more than that and completely content."

Monday, August 17, 2009

Parent-Child Reunion

Dear Readers and Welcome,

If you have found this blog, is it not by accident. Perhaps it is you who is searching for something to help you in your sorrow and grief--or someone very close to you who is is trying to recover, understand and put meaning to "why" regarding the death of their child. Please read about a very compassionate gifted woman and her ability to reconnect parents with their child who is now in heaven or has transitioned to "the Otherside of the veil." Below, is an announcement of a very special Parent-Child Reunion--a retreat to help parents with the loss of their child.


Sally Baldwin and the Dying To Live Again Foundation extend a heartfelt welcome to parents and our supporters. We are dedicated to helping bereaved parents reconnect with the soul of their child who has crossed-over to the spirit realm. We arrange 'Reunions' based in faith, love, energetic healing, and mediumship. In this light, we announce our inaugural retreat to support parents in their journey to find an alternative means to communicate with their child. The Parent-Child Reunion is scheduled for October, 2009 in beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho. Below, please read more and learn about the art of connecting with the Otherside and its healing impact on grief and sorrow.

On behalf of all parents, respectfully,

Sally Baldwin

What? Communicating with Your Child's Soul . . .

Helping Parents with the Loss of a Child

Scope of the Problem: Children are not supposed to die! Sadly, over 50,000 families are devastated by this unfortunate reality each year in the United States. The loss of a child leaves parents in a state of profound bereavement. Parental mourning is the most intense grief known and these families are constantly plagued by pain and suffering. This tragedy can paralyze their lives for years to come.

Goal: To provide mothers who have lost a young child an opportunity to heal more deeply by connecting with the spirit of their loved-one.

Sponsor: The Dying to Live Again Foundation (Public Charity 501-C-3).

Participants: Mothers will be selected based primarily on their capacity to embrace the notion that those who have expired physically continue to exist in another realm and it is possible to connect with distinct spirits. These mothers must possess a strong motivation to communicate with their child through spirit channeling. The application process is now under way. Ten or fewer mothers will be chosen to partake in the workshop so as to keep the activities personalized and deep. Participants will receive financial support associated with the retreat.

Program: The retreat will be conducted in Sun Valley, Idaho at a local hotel and conference center. The workshop program will be scheduled during mid October 2009 and conducted over a 3.5-day period. Experiences will include personal counseling on grief and loss issues, seminars in stress management, energy work, and spiritual channeling with the soul of their child. Special emphasis will be placed on the phenomena of ‘yearning’ and ‘acceptance’.

Faculty: Sally Baldwin and Steve Baldwin will be the primary educators and counselors. Sally and Steve each earned a master’s degree in the field of healthcare and have extensive experience as healing arts professionals. Debbie Grossman and Nancy LeMaster will function as facilitators during the program to provide the mothers with guidance and comfort as needed. Debbie and Nancy are highly involved with the DTLA Foundation and have been comprehensively trained in grief and loss education. Channeling with the Otherside is to be conducted by Sally Baldwin.

For more information: Please see